Hypocracy & Double Standards
A spiritual narcissist loves to preach virtue while secretly indulging in vice. They make lofty demands of others but exempt themselves, embodying the very hypocrisy they denounce.
These false prophets espouse humility and forgiveness while displaying arrogance and grudges. Only a handful might initially spot this double standard, as the narcissist skillfully justifies their actions.
They elevate their own opinions to divine status, judging others harshly while excusing themselves.
This stark contrast between words and deeds can deeply confuse and demoralize their followers, who struggle to reconcile the leader's teachings with their contradictory behavior.
Consider an Example:
For example, a Christian narcissist might condemn gossiping as sinful during a sermon, yet engage in spreading rumors about those they perceive as threats to their authority.
This blatant hypocrisy undermines their credibility and can lead to disillusionment within the community.