Exaggerated Sense of Spirituality
Christian narcissists often present themselves as being exceptionally spiritual, claiming a unique closeness to God. Spiritual narcissist lives like they are really religious but that's not the case in reality.
They will mention this in both personal or private conversations regularly.
They might assert that they have special revelations or insights that others do not possess.
This exaggerated sense of spirituality is a way to gain admiration and establish their authority within the community.
They may also dismiss or undermine the spiritual experiences of others, reinforcing their perceived superior status.
Consider an Example:
For instance, they might claim to have heard directly from God on matters that are subjective or personal, using phrases like, “God told me that you need to...” Such claims are difficult to dispute and place the narcissist in a position of unquestionable authority. This can cause others to feel their own spiritual experiences are inferior or invalid.