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A stage in a relationship with a narcissist where they try to make the other person feel weak and powerless to gain control. It's often the second cycle stage in a relationship with a narcissist, after the idealization stage where they love-bomb the partner.

Here are some signs of devaluation:

  • Passive-aggressive behavior: The narcissist might use backhanded compliments, excuses, or stonewalling. 

  • Name-calling: The narcissist might insult the other person's appearance, character, or family. 

  • Gaslighting: The narcissist might make the other person feel like they're crazy or paranoid. 

  • Withdrawing affection: The narcissist might withhold affection or make the other person feel bad about themselves. 

  • Comparisons: The narcissist might compare the other person to others. 

  • Ridicule: The narcissist might ridicule or humiliate the other person. 

Devaluation can lead to intense conflict, emotional distress, and relationship instability. The other person might feel confused, hurt, and frustrated. 

The devaluation stage can last for hours, days, or weeks. The narcissist might try to hoover the other person back into the cycle, which can be addictive.Therapy can help people break the cycle. 

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